The Accessible Instructional Materials Process

This short video explains how the NIMAC works with state and local agencies to provide students with accessible learning materials.

The NIMAC works “behind the scenes” to help ensure that when an accessible format is needed and not yet available, a source file is there to speed up the production process. Because NIMAS is a source file format, these files are not distributed directly to students or schools. For a brief introduction to NIMAC and NIMAS geared toward parents and teachers, check out our NIMAC Introduction PowerPoint (available to download in English or Spanish).

For more information about the NIMAC and related textbook resources for teachers, schools, and districts, please take a look at our PowerPoint, NIMAC and Louis: Supporting Students.

Where to Find Accessible Instructional Materials

In most cases, parents or teachers will obtain accessible materials directly from national or state agencies and organizations. If you are looking for accessible K-12 materials, such as braille, large print, audio or digital text, we encourage you to search Louis. This national database contains information about accessible materials available from more than 140 agencies and organizations across the U.S., including the American Printing House for the Blind, Learning Ally, and Bookshare.

For more information about how your state serves students with print disabilities with the accessible formats they need, contact your NIMAC State Coordinator.